It has been extremely hard to go on such a long hiatus from writing, but it was with good reason! I am happy to announce that Baby Bun is due this December!
We told our friends Memorial Day weekend with a shirt that no one got.
Everyone is elated for us, and it honestly does not feel real.
The IVF worked on the first try. Our doctors instructed us to try very hard to avoid home pregnancy tests because they could be false positives or negatives. It had been about 16 days since our treatment and I had woken up with a headache that would last the entire day. I am never one to have a headache, so after dinner, we decided it was time to go against our doctors and take a test. I think we were both a little afraid to watch for the results, but the second we saw that second line, Ryan was in tears. He told me that he just wanted to see it so badly, that when it was there he couldn't believe it! I was already dying to tell someone. Ryan caved and let me tell my sister minutes after we found out ourselves.
After we got the happy news, we realized that our dog had been acting unusual for the last week or so. They say that dogs know you're pregnant before you do, but this was just crazy. The several days before Lenny would not leave my side. In fact, a lot of couch time was spent with him draped over my mid-section - trying to keep baby warm?
Now, I don't know what kind of intuition our friend had, but shortly after we found out, Ryan got a text. "I had a dream last night that you were expecting..." COME ON! What is THAT?! Crazy I tell ya...
The next morning, we took another test, just to be sure. Man oh man, those lines were DEFINITE. How am I possibly going to keep this a secret from everyone at work? It was surprisingly easy. One more day and our teeny tiny bundle of joy was confirmed by the doctor. We're pregnant!!! We. Are. Pregnant. I don't think that has sunk in yet.
We did what every normal couple does the day they find out that they are expecting - we got every book we could find at the discount book store!
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Just hours after finding out! |
Waiting the several weeks to tell our parents was unbearable. I wanted to shout it from a mountain top. It wasn't long before I found the perfect crafting idea to tell everyone individually.
Everyone got a personalized mug, even if they were already grandparents or aunt/uncles. I didn't care. Ryan and I got to work on these and a few days later we hand delivered them to see everyone's reaction in person. I could cry right now just thinking about all the reactions, so for now, just trust me that it went over well.
While our mortgage is still being worked on, my dad and Jody decided the wait is over.
On a Friday at 6pm, we got a call. "let's move this weekend. How about Sunday?" WHAT!?!?!
I was just told by my doctor to not lift anything more than 20 pounds, how am I possibly going to sit idly by while other people move my things? I am such a hands-on, controlling person... but, you'd be surprised how easy it was to hold the dog on a leash directing traffic while everyone just moved everything for me. I probably wouldn't have been that much of a help anyway, but it was kind of nice not having to do much at all.
By Sunday at 4pm, the house swap was complete. I don't know two crazier people, but we decided that our motivation for unpacking was going to be hosting 2 parties the following weekend. But, we did it! Completely unpacked within a week, hosted those parties, and ready to start nesting already!
We told our friends Memorial Day weekend with a shirt that no one got.
Red, White, & Blue... or Pink
It didn't even matter, once I blurted it out, everyone was so excited, and so were we! Last week we told our jobs, and last night we told the world on facebook.
Starting to feel a little more real now... :)