I am in the midst of the longest week ever. I decided that I'm pregnant, and my body will just have to learn to adapt. I created secret boards on Pinterest and let myself dream a little...
I picked out exactly how I want my baby's room to look (regardless of the sex) - modern with a vintage touch.
Its perfect. It has everything I could want in a nursery. Plus, anything I could think of got a pin to my 'Future Baby Bun' board. From space saving ideas, to cloth diapering tutorials (we'll see on this one), decor, books, you name it, I found it all.
I picked out exactly how I want my baby's room to look (regardless of the sex) - modern with a vintage touch.

I figured out exactly how to tell the future grandmothers, imagined my baby shower at my new townhouse (still waiting by the way), picked out my maternity style, what to register for, how to tell the world on facebook... This consumed my week.
Finally, its time to go get re-tested... blood drawn, waiting for the call.
It's negative. Stop all medication, your period will start immediately. Tears ensue.
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