Thursday, March 27, 2014

Routine on, Routine off

Monday, March 24th we had our nursing consultation at the hospital where I will be going for the two IVF procedures.  We tried to absorb as much information as we could, but knew this was too much to remember.  Luckily, the nurse calmed us down by telling us that there is no way to remember all of this, and starting in a week they would be calling me daily to tell me what to do the following day.   Ok... one day at a time.  

As she went over how to mix the different medications and how to administer shots, I started to feel so nervous.  Ryan was as cool as a cucumber.  He will probably be administering the majority of the shots (2-3 per day) so he did all the practice.  Take this needle out, add this to the syringe, stab like a dart.   This didn't feel real.

We got an A+ at our consultation, grabbed our two folders full of prep instructions and information and headed our separate ways to work.  My big box of medicine would be there in 2 days, so its not like we could do anything yet.  

This day had gone by in a flash.  When I got home, I intended on reading every word of the two packets, but I just didn't feel like it.  We skipped the gym (for about a week already) and just vegged out on the couch.  Sunday night tv always leaves us with plenty to catch up on for Monday night.  

Tuesday was business as usual.  We went right to the gym from work where it was way too crowded and I was way too distracted to be there.  After about 25 minutes of lifting weights, I went home to read my packets.  Oh god, information overload.  

I know you don't really care about how big my ovaries are going to get or how moody I'm going to be.  What stood out the most was the following sentence:  "You should treat yourself as if you are already pregnant because we are." That preceded a list of things I am no longer allowed to do.  Such as drink alcohol (check), having more than once caffeinated drink per day (check), eat soft cheeses (ugh, check), cut back on red meat and deli meat (fine.  check), no lifting over 25 pounds until week 12 of pregnancy (what?!), very low stress workouts (such as walking, yoga, bicycle) until week 12 of pregnancy (great).  Ok... it will be fine. I'll just do 25 pounds at the gym.  

24 hours later I am at the gym again and what a joke this is.  25 pounds is nothing!  On several machines I was lifting more than double that with ease.  My routine is getting all messed up! This sucks.  I stood around there for about 10 minutes before I told Ryan I just wanted to go home.  

I walked up to the front door and was faced with a large box.  I completely forgot... 

The IVF medicine came.

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